Crystal Watson is an innovative, passionate mathematics educator, leader, and life long learner who you can count on to always ask ……

“What do the students think?”

In 2021, Crystal obtained a Masters in Educational Leadership and Administration at Teachers College at Columbia University where she further developed her understanding for school and district leadership. Her work is centered around providing space for student voice and identity development in order for all to experience high quality, deep, and personal mathematics. Crystal serves as a prominent voice on equity and anti-racism teams as well as lends expertise on bringing culture into mathematics through task and curriculum development.

Crystal is a dynamic speaker using her passion and unapologetic voice to encourage others to audit their own practices, reflect, and do better for all children. Crystal believes in the power of every educator!

As Crystal continues to expand impact, she has shared and continues to lend her experience and knowledge across multiple platforms including local and national conferences, podcasts, and professional development sessions. Crystal has worked on multiple teams outside of her geographical location to ensure the work is collective in creating spaces where students see themselves in mathematics. Additionally, Crystal has worked alongside other scholars and practitioners to develop anti-racist, culturally responsive and relevant curriculum that centers students in every lesson.

Crystal is dedicated to continuing her own development, continuing to center her work with student experience in mind. She is most excited about the connections and relationships she builds while engaging in transformational work!